Hi all, The weekly meeting of the OpenStack Technical Committee is scheduled for tomorrow, December 19, at 1800 UTC in #openstack-tc on OFTC. As a reminder, this will be our last meeting of 2023. Our next scheduled meeting after this will be January 7, 2024. The proposed agenda is: - Roll call - Follow up on tracked action items: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2023/tc.2023-12-12-18.00.html - Spotz - (due Jan 7 2024) Look into updating https://docs.openstack.org/install-guide/openstack-services.html and report back to TC Create TC resolution expressing approval for OIF bylaws change - Gate health check - Leaderless projects (gmann) - Implementation of Unmaintained branch statuses - 2024.1 TC Tracker - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-2024.1-tracker - Open Discussion and Reviews Thanks, Jay Faulkner OpenStack TC Chair