Except in a few instances, Loci aims to generically build OpenStack service images and has pretty robust scripts that will allow you to build the containers without modification of the project. In the instance of neutron-fwaas, you can easily build the service following the instructions in README.md[1] in the Loci repository. Just set `PROJECT=neutron-fwaas` and tag appripriately. The major caveat is the build for that project is not gate tested (although I've managed to complete a build of it in my own environment). You could do the same thing similarly for neutron-lbaas, but please be aware that for a number of reasons neutron-lbaas project has been deprecated[2], and you should instead prefer to use Octavia as the official replacement for it. Thanks, Chris [1] http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/loci/tree/README.md [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/LBaaS/Deprecation
On Dec 5, 2018, at 5:30 PM, SIRI KIM <shiriul.lol@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, Jean.
I tried to add lbaas-agent and fwaas-agent to official loci neutron image. To pass openstack-helm gate test, I need lbaas-agent and fwaas-agent.
I found your openstack source repository is repository:
Please let me know I can I add lbaas-agent and fwaas-agent to official loci neutron image.
Thanks, Siri