Le samedi 13 avril 2019, 12:11:37 CEST Работягов Дмитрий a écrit :
Hi Gilles,
Regarding Xenial - Bionic upgrade - it's a possible upgrade, but it looks like more one-by-one re-setup than upgrade, if you wish to upgrade not only host OS, but containers as well. First of all you'll need to complete Q->R upgrade, after that you'll be able to upgrade Ubuntu. For instance I've completed such upgrade for my deployments, and it was pretty successful. We've got some notes regarding such upgrade on etherpad:https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-rocky-bionic-upgrade Mixed deployments are supported by OSA as well - you may easily use different operating systems in one deployment, you just need wheels and packages to be build on the repo-server for this OS. -- Kind Regards, Dmitriy Rabotyagov
Thank you Dmitry for your notes ! But one question : when you say the wheels need to be rebuild for the OS in repo-server, how do we do that, and keep and maintain the two versions ? Doing a rolling remove/rebuild/re-add for each server seems fine if a mixed OS deployment is supported for the hosts OS. Concerning the LXC OS, is it built based on the host one, or a config somewhere ? Do all the containers need to be the same version ? Again, it can be fine, but time consuming, if we first need to upgrade all hosts, recreating containers in xenial on them until all hosts are upgraded. And only after, recreate all containers in bionic.
As far as I know work on upgrade Rocky->Stein is still in progress.
Of course, but it would be great if that sort of documentation is ready when OSA Stein is out ! -- Gilles