Hi all,

I added two semi-related PTG topics to the TC etherpad that I wanted to evangelize to the community. Both have details on https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2024-ptg-os-tc, starting around line 65.

The first topic, 'Re-visioning OpenStack aka "What is OpenStack Now?"', is centered around a couple of related things; the last time we made a vision document for OpenStack was 2019 -- five years ago. We need to revisit what our vision for OpenStack is, better defining what projects are in and out of scope of OpenStack. There are more details on the linked etherpad; I look forward to your comments there.

The second topic, "Raising the bar for Activity", is centered around a singular focus: preventing us from having another situation where there is a severe security vulnerability in an OpenStack project which cannot be fixed. In fact, when reviewing the OpenInfra Foundation's Project Confirmation Guidelines ( https://board.openinfra.dev/en/ProjectConfirmationGuidelines ) -- a standard OpenStack in the aggregate is supposed to meet -- we have many projects that would not pass this if viewed more singularly. There are more details on the linked etherpad; I look forward to your comments there.

Jay Faulkner
OpenStack TC Chair