+1 . Rajini From: Wesley Hayutin <whayutin@redhat.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 9:09 PM To: openstack-discuss Cc: Emilien Macchi Subject: Re: [tripleo] Proposing Takashi Kajinami to be core on puppet-tripleo [EXTERNAL EMAIL] On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 8:40 AM Tobias Urdin <tobias.urdin@binero.com<mailto:tobias.urdin@binero.com>> wrote: Big +1 from an outsider :)) Best regards Tobias ________________________________ From: Rabi Mishra <ramishra@redhat.com<mailto:ramishra@redhat.com>> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 3:37 PM To: Emilien Macchi Cc: openstack-discuss Subject: Re: [tripleo] Proposing Takashi Kajinami to be core on puppet-tripleo +1 On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 8:03 PM Emilien Macchi <emilien@redhat.com<mailto:emilien@redhat.com>> wrote: Hi people, If you don't know Takashi yet, he has been involved in the Puppet OpenStack project and helped *a lot* in its maintenance (and by maintenance I mean not-funny-work). When our community was getting smaller and smaller, he joined us and our review velicity went back to eleven. He became a core maintainer very quickly and we're glad to have him onboard. He's also been involved in taking care of puppet-tripleo for a few months and I believe he has more than enough knowledge on the module to provide core reviews and be part of the core maintainer group. I also noticed his amount of contribution (bug fixes, improvements, reviews, etc) in other TripleO repos and I'm confident he'll make his road to be core in TripleO at some point. For now I would like him to propose him to be core in puppet-tripleo. As usual, any feedback is welcome but in the meantime I want to thank Takashi for his work in TripleO and we're super happy to have new contributors! Thanks, -- Emilien Macchi -- Regards, Rabi Mishra +1, thanks for your contributions Takashi!