Hello Everyone,

Some of you I've known for years; others are reading this and wondering who I am. While I may not know everyone in our ever-expanding community, I'd love the opportunity to get to know more of you, and I'd be honored to represent this community as a member of the TC. At this time, I would like to (re)introduce myself[6] and announce my candidacy for the upcoming TC election.

A bit about me and why OpenStack is where my heart is. I have had the pleasure of working with OpenStack since 2012 and on OpenStack since 2013. My contributions to the community have not focused on core services, so I'm sure I've never crossed paths with a lot of folks reading this. However, I've spent considerable time working on the deployment, operations, and scale components of OpenStack. I got my start in OpenStack as an administrator of public clouds in 2012. I transitioned to Private Clouds in 2013. I had the pleasure to join a system engineering and the development team; focused on platform operations and deployments. It was through my time in the Private Cloud where when I began working on tooling that would eventually become the OpenStack-Ansible project. I was PTL of OpenStack-Ansible from its inception[2] until Liberty. I remained a core reviewer with the project, continuing to work on every facet of the tooling, until very recently.  In 2015, at the Vancouver OpenStack summit, the simple OpenStack initiative was announced[5]. I took an active role in this effort as it aimed to promote better cross-community collaboration in a time where folks were somewhat siloed. While this particular effort never really took off, it establishes credibility in trying to work with people not necessarily focused on OpenStack. In my opinion, the simple OpenStack initiative was a success as it helped pave the way to future relationships while also serving as a precursor to other efforts just now starting (e.g., the Ansible-SIG[4]). This year, my journey charted a slightly new course. In mid-2019, I put on a Red fedora and have begun working on TripleO. I joined an incredible team within the Deployment Framework, and I'm looking forward to the new challenges ahead of me as I dive deeper into developing cloud tooling for the enterprise. Rest assured, I'm still working on OpenStack, I'm still trying to build a more perfect cloud, and I'm still in love with our community.

So now that you know a little bit about me, I bet your reading this and wondering, why I'm running for the TC. To put it simply, I believe my experience running, building, and developing both public and private clouds puts me in a position to add a distinct voice to the TC.  As a member of the TC, I would like to partner with everyone interested to help build a better, more engaged, fraternity of Stackers. I also think we can do more cross-project (cross-community) collaboration. We've done some fantastic work in this space, and I'd like to take up this mantle to continue our collaborative march to success.

OpenStack has been a tremendous community to be involved with. My success as an individual is directly tied to the community, and if elected to the TC, it would be my honor to give back to the community in this new capacity. I will focus on bringing different points of view to the table. I will concentrate on collaboration. I will reach out to new and old projects alike. I will work tirelessly to assist anyone who requests my help. Finally, while it goes without saying, I will do everything I can to promote OpenStack's future success.

Thank you for your consideration.


Kevin Carter
IRC: Cloudnull

[0] https://www.stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&release=all&module=openstackansible-group&user_id=kevin.carter@rackspace.com
[1] https://www.stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&release=all&module=openstackansible-group&user_id=kevin-carter
[2] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2014-December/005683.html
[3] https://www.stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&release=all&module=tripleo-group&user_id=kevin-carter
[4] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676428/1/sigs.yaml
[5] https://www.ansible.com/blog/simple-openstack
[6] https://www.openstack.org/community/speakers/profile/758/kevin-carter