On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 12:52 PM Tim Bell <Tim.Bell@cern.ch> wrote:
It would be an interesting forum topic for the upcoming Denver summit to understand where we are with Telemetry and potential approaches for the future (Is the Telemetry project the way forward? Is Monasca an potential replacement? Are there alternative approaches which the community should be considering?, ...)
It's not clear to me what we should be recommending for a new cloud deployment as regards this functional area.
I'd recommend no matter what PTL or developers say, listen to the real users/deployers/ops who have already deployed such services in the production. Knowing what their requirements are(one solution can't fit all, right?), the benefits they got, pitfalls they met, you will have an answer. My $0.02 --- Cheers, Lingxian Kong