Hi, Sorry for the late reply. First of all, thanks for dealing with the End of Life transitioning :) Nevertheless, I want to signal my (employer's) interest in keeping heat's stable/victoria branch open as long as it can be kept healthy, so I volunteer to help with keeping stable/victoria's gate maintained. Since I am member of the stable-maint-core team and I usually help anyway with stable maintenance in various projects, I hope the team accepts my request to keep stable/victoria open. I understand, that old branches become less and less easy to maintain by the time, so in case my help won't be enough to keep the gate up and running, then i won't object to transition to End of Life. About ussuri and train: if there is anybody else interested in them, then I offer my help for these branches as well, otherwise I accept to transition ussuri and train to End of Life now. Is this acceptable to the team? Thanks in advance, Előd Illés irc: elodilles ________________________________ From: Brendan Shephard <bshephar@redhat.com> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 8:35 AM To: Openstack-discuss <openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org> Subject: [heat][release] Proposing to EOL Train, Ussuri and Victoria Hi folks, We’re looking to move Train, Ussuri and Victoria branches to EOL for Heat projects. Just reaching out to see if there are any objections, if I don’t hear anything back I’ll move forward with that this week. Cheers, Brendan Shephard Senior Software Engineer Red Hat Australia