Hi folks::

       About http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/train/approved/numa-aware-live-migration.html this spec in Train.

I have a question, if the destination server's NUMA topology (e.g. nume_node=2) < source server's NUMA topology (e.g. numa_noed=4) in a instance. If I am living migration *this* instance, what will be happened? Rollback and keep the instance to the original status? Or make it to ERROR? In that SPEC I had not find the details about the red description in "Third, information about the instance¡¯s new NUMA characteristics needs to be generated on the destination (an InstanceNUMATopolgy object is not enough, more on that later)", or lack of careful reading J. Anyway, I want to know how to deal with this NUMA topology during live migration?
