On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 12:49 PM Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:
On 2023-06-07 12:07:59 -0700 (-0700), Dan Sneddon wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 9:00 AM Clark Boylan <cboylan@sapwetik.org> wrote:
> > Is there some reason the existing repository won't work?
> Currently os-net-config is a part of the TripleO project. Since
> TripleO is retiring and being replaced by something hosted on
> GitHub, we are no longer maintaining the Master/Zed branches.

Maybe you misunderstood. To restate: Is there any reason the people
who want to use and maintain the openstack/os-net-config master and
stable/zed (or other) branches can't just adopt the project? It's
well within the TC's power to grant control of that repository to
another project team who isn't TripleO.

Which use cases specifically (outside of Red Hat's lingering
interest in the stable/wallaby branches of TripleO repositories) are
you referring to?
Jeremy Stanley

The people who want to continue to use os-net-config are developing the replacement for TripleO, but they have moved to GutHub. That’s an option for os-net-config, but not my first preference. 
I have over the years heard of companies using os-net-config for various use cases. It’s possible that posting to openstack-discuss won’t reach any of those users, but it doesn’t hurt to ask here. 


Dan Sneddon         |  Senior Principal Software Engineer
dsneddon:irc        |  @dxs:twitter