
We are having a client DC running on HP(   HP simplivity) HCI servers, With VMware ( Vsphere 7.0) only few VMs running on it. (11 VMs maximum all Linux VMs). 

The DR site also having the same HCI setup another location. ( The VMs are replicated to DR site with HP simplivity). 

We are planning to use Openstack for both DC and DR solutions with Wallaby or Xena version with KVM as  hypervisor to replace the proprietary S/W and H/W vendor locking. 

The requirement is to Setup a Stable DC- DR solution.

Totally confused How to setup a best Dc- DR solution for this purpose. 

The DR setup can be possible / advisable with Zero down time ?( or manual DR site uping with downtime of hours ) ? 

What are the available/suggested  DC-DR replication mechanisms for high degree of application data protection and service availability?

Kindly advise.. 

Thanks in advance,