On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 18:53:35 +0000 (GMT), Chris Dent <cdent+os@anticdent.org> wrote:
The mod_wsgi/uwsgi side of things strived to be eventlet free as it makes for weirdness, and at some point I did some work to be sure it never showed up in placement [1] while it was still in nova. A side effect of that work was that it also didn't need to show up in the nova-api unless you used the cmd line script version of it. At the same time I also explored not importing the world, and was able to get some improvements (mostly by moving things out of __init__.py in packages that had deeply nested members) but not as much as would have liked.
However, we later (as mentioned elsewhere in the thread) made getting cell mappings parallelize, bring back the need for eventlet, it seems.
Is there an alternative we could use for threading in the API that is compatible with python 2.7? I'd be happy to convert the cells scatter-gather code to use it, if so. -melanie