On 1/14/2019 4:33 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
Hello :)
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 12:30 PM Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:
On 2019-01-14 14:16:51 -0600 (-0600), Sean McGinnis wrote: [...]
I could see having something where to be an eligible candidate, one would either need to be a current or a past PTL. There's definitely value in bringing that experience and perspective to the TC. [...]
In principle, our charter doesn't even require candidates for TC seats be recognized contributors to any project, only that they be OSF individual members in good standing. In practice, the most common way people get the visibility required to be elected to the TC is to have already held another leadership role in the community, frequently by serving as a PTL. There are many other leadership positions that we would exclude if we started restricting TC candidates to only current/past PTLs. SIG Chairs (formerly WG leads) for example.
Some sort of leadership role prior to running is important, I agree. But we would never have had people like Colleen Murphy or Chris Dent who were and are, respectively, excellent members of the TC. Absolutely. I happen to think that the representatives we've had on
On 2019-01-14 14:12:39 -0800 (-0800), Kendall Nelson wrote: the TC who weren't previously PTLs have provided valuable insight.
While I haven't actually done the math, I would wager more than half the people ever elected to the TC have also been PTLs at some point, so I personally have doubts that making it a policy would actually change anything. [...]
And here I was more responding to Chris's original question, "what would it be like if we required half or more of the TC be elected from PTLs?" What I meant to say is that I believe half or more of the TC are already (and have always been) elected from current and prior PTLs, so mandating that wouldn't change anything for the better.
Certainly if Sean's follow-up suggestion of requiring *all* TC candidates to have PTL experience were entertained, it would exclude the sorts of valuable contributions we've had from notable non-PTL members on the TC and I think that would be a significant loss.
Agreed, in my response to Sean's note hadn't meant that all TC members would need to have been PTLs but that some proportion having technical leadership experience in OpenStack would be good. Sorry for the confusion.