This is not an issue with Octavia but is more about usage of Nova.
By default, amphora instances are deployed using image boot, and use
ephemeral disks stored in compute nodes. Unless you have a shared storage
in your compute nodes to store ephemeral disks(nfs, ceph and so on),
you have to enable block-migration to live migrate the instance.
(See --block-migration option in openstack CLI)

However, AFAIK the general recommendation is to try amphora failover
(which internally recreates the amphora instance) instead of live-migrating it,
as is described in the guide[1]. You might want to try that method instead.

[1] from-a-host

On 11/29/23 14:17, Nguyễn Hữu Khôi wrote:
Hello everyone.

I deploy amphora instances using shared storage but when I do live migrate it to another host, I encounter this error.

Error: Failed to live migrate instance to host "AUTO_SCHEDULE". Details

compute12 is not on shared storage: Shared storage live-migration requires either shared storage or boot-from-volume with no local disks

Woud we have a solution for this?

Thank you.

Nguyen Huu Khoi