Dear colleagues,

I'm using DNS Integration and just faced an issue - after renaming instance, I can't bind port to the instance using new name:

1) I've created intances with name 'devel'
2) then I renamed it to devel (openstack server set --name packager devel)
3) when binding port with dns_name using new name ('packager' in my case), the following error appear:
ERROR nova.api.openstack.wsgi PortNotUsableDNS: Port c3a92cf6-b49b-4570-b69b-0c23af1d1f94 not usable for instance 6aa78bd5-099e-4878-a5ac-90262505a924. Value packager assigned to dns_name attribute does not match instance's hostname devel

and yes, record in DB still uses an old hostname:

mysql> select display_name from instances where hostname='devel';
| display_name |
| packager     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

and hostname remains the same (initial) regardless of any changes to display_name.

I'm on Rocky. Is it bug or feature and are there ways to work around this?

Thank you.

Volodymyr Litovka
  "Vision without Execution is Hallucination." -- Thomas Edison