Hey folks, We have until Mar 11th [1]to communicate about our needs for the Zed PTG (I've already signed up our presence by the survey) .As you can see in [2], there are already projects that booked some timeslots. This time, I won't ask you to tell me over Doodle which times you can be around, but I'd rather propose you 3 options : Option A "The short one" : we ask for 3 days from Wednesday to Friday with 4 hours each (13UTC-17UTC) Option B "The week used": we ask for 4 days from Tuesday to Friday with 3 hours each (14UTC-17UTC) Option C "The largest one" : we ask for 4 days from Tuesday to Friday with 4 hours each (13UTC-17UTC) Option D "The Asian-nice one" : we ask for Wed to Friday with 3 hours each (14UTC-17UTC) but we also ask for Thursday with 2 hours (6UTC-8UTC) Please start to think about those options as we'll discuss this on next Tuesday meeting [3] and eventually we will vote on it. I also created a new etherpad for our PTG : https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-zed-ptg If you want, you can start to collect some topics but also if you aren't able to attend next Nova meeting, you can also start to vote on the option above in there. Voila, that's it. Thanks and let's discuss it again on next meeting, -Sylvain [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-February/027051.... [2] https://ethercalc.openstack.org/7yxdas7suqnd [3] https://meetings.opendev.org/#Nova_Team_Meeting