On Tue, 16 Apr 2019, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
I found one more which need to be placed somewhere in openstack/
- microversion-parse - this lib is used by many projects for API microversion parsing. maybe cdent can suggest.
When microversion-parse was first put together it wasn't put under an official project for three reasons: * Make it accessible to anything outside the OpenStack world that might like to work with microversion (if ever such a thing cae to exist). * Make it crystal clear that the library was just a thing you install from PyPI, no big deal. * Couldn't decide anywhere to put it. We're essentially still in that boat, but what's changed, at least a bit, is that it's increasingly easy to think of things born in the OpenStack world as just things you can install from PyPI. All of which is a long way of saying I don't really have any good suggestions. The current core group is made up of members of the API-SIG but that group doesn't currently own any code-oriented repos. If it is acceptable for it to be openstack/microversion-parse then let's do that. If it can't, because it is not "official", then it's also fine for it to be in the 'x' namespace. The main signifier (to me) is the domain name, and with that changing anyway, the rest of it doesn't really signify. -- Chris Dent ٩◔̯◔۶ https://anticdent.org/ freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent