On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 9:56 AM Mark Goddard <mark@stackhpc.com> wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jan 2021 at 15:18, Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:
> On 2021-01-19 12:56:41 +0000 (+0000), Sean Mooney wrote:
> > On Tue, 2021-01-19 at 12:37 +0100, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:
> [...]
> > > I wonder if we could also run the plugin that shows the live
> > > progress (it was mentioned somewhere in the thread).
> >
> > i belive showing the live progress of the jobs is effectivly a
> > ddos vector. infra have ask that we not use javascript to pool the
> > the live status of the jobs in our browser in the past.
> [...]
> > i know that we previously tried enbeding the zuul job status
> > directly into gerrit a few years ago and that had to be qickly
> > reverted as it does not take many developers leave review open in
> > a tab to quickly make that unworkable. i know i for one often
> > leave review open over night if im pinged to review something
> > shortly before i finish for the day so that its open on my screen
> > when i log in the next day.
> [...]
> I think it's probably worth trying again. The previous attempts hit
> a wall because of several challenges:
> 1. The available Zuul status API returned data on all enqueued refs
> (a *very* large JSON blob when the system is under heavy use)
> 2. Calls to the API were handled by a thread of the scheduler
> daemon, so often blocked or were blocked by other things going on,
> especially when Zuul was already under significant load
> 3. Browsers at the time continued running Javascript payloads in
> "background" tabs so the volume of queries was multiplied not just
> by the number of users but also by the average number of review tabs
> they had open
> Over time we added a ref-scoped status method so callers could
> request the status of a specific change. The Zuul REST API is now
> served by a separate zuul-web daemon, which we can move to a
> different server entirely if load demands that (and can even scale
> horizontally with more than one instance of it, I think?). Browser
> tech has also improved, and popular ones these days suspend
> Javascript stacks when tabs are not exposed. We may also be caching
> status API responses more aggressively than we used to do. All of
> these factors combined could make live status info in a Gerrit
> plug-in entirely tractable, we'll just need someone with time to try
> it and see... and be prepared for multiple Gerrit service restarts
> to enable/disable it, so probably not when utilization is as high as
> it has been the past couple of weeks.

A refresh button to update live results on demand could be a good
compromise between UX and unnecessary polling.

I'd be totally fine with a refresh button, very infrequent (once a minute?) automatic refreshes and aggressive caching.


> --
> Jeremy Stanley

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