Well, It works. Thank you!

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 5:13 PM Takashi Kajinami <kajinamit@oss.nttdata.com> wrote:
You have to remove devstack-gate from required projects in all of your job definitions.
The repository was retired recently and all jobs requiring the repo no longer run.


On 5/29/24 17:58, Sławek Kapłoński wrote:
> Hi,
> Dnia środa, 29 maja 2024 10:00:16 CEST Hoai-Thu Vuong pisze:
>> HI Takashi, Ghanshyam and Slawek
>> I have some commits to fix monasca-api to work with SQLAlchmey 2.x. But
>> zuul didn't run tempest test, could you help me to bring the tempest back.
>> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/monasca-api/+/919983
>> Without tempest:
>> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/buildset/55ae32094145460fa837a795cabcee00
>> (green)
>> With tempest:
>> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/buildset/d13ddf93fbbc4464a98291f9e30eb098
>> (red)
> I just looked into this and TBH I don't know why those tempest jobs aren't triggered. They were run on PS7 and stopped on PS8. Maybe infra team will be able to help with that.
>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 12:03 PM Takashi Kajinami <kajinamit@oss.nttdata.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Although the core monasca repos (monasca, monasca-common, monasca-agent)
>>> have passing CIs,
>>> I still see number of components monasca project have broken CI.
>>>    python-monascaclient:
>>> https://review.opendev.org/q/branch:master+project:openstack/python-monascaclient
>>>    monasca-events-api:
>>> https://review.opendev.org/q/branch:master+project:openstack/monasca-events-api
>>> Also some of the monasca repos have been inactive and have no patches
>>> merged in recent 2-3 years
>>>    eg. monasca-log-api, monasca-analytics, ...
>>> I believe the CI in python-monascaclient needs urgent fix if we keep the
>>> project. I'd also
>>> suggest reviewing the current repositories and find anything we can retire
>>> early but it's
>>> totally up to people who will maintain the project.
>>> Finally please be aware that we are making the big reap from SQLAlchemy
>>> 1.x to 2.x very soon,
>>> and I guess you need some effort to adopt to that. So having passing CI
>>> now does not mean very
>>> much and you have to mane sure that you continue paying effort to keep CI
>>> gree so that
>>> the project is kept maintained.
>>> On 4/27/24 03:13, Ghanshyam Mann wrote:
>>>>    ---- On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 10:24:38 -0700  Hoai-Thu Vuong  wrote ---
>>>>    > Hi Ghanshyam,
>>>>    > I would like to know how to make monasca active again? Where can I
>>> find the status or something to help me to prioritize what I need to do?Or
>>> can someone guide me?
>>>> Thanks for the response and working towards making it active.
>>>> Please check the requirements for making it active again:
>>>> -
>>> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html#exit-criteria
>>>> I checked the gate status for a few of the repos and it seems green.
>>>> * How to propose to make it active:
>>>> - Propose a governance change to remove Monasca from the Inactive list[1]
>>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/cbf0607bdce40d40105e7e2ea99b74af33383cb2/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.rst#current-inactive-projects
>>>> Let me know if there are any more queries on the process.
>>>>    -gmann
>>>>    >
>>>>    > On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 3:55 AM Ghanshyam Mann
>>> gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
>>>>    >
>>>>    >
>>>>    > --
>>>>    > Thu.Hi All,
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Ignore the retirement notification for Monasca which I sent by
>>> mistake.
>>>>    >
>>>>    > Monasca project is still in 'inactive'[1] state but we have PTL for
>>> this project
>>>>    > on this cycle. I would like to call the project maintainer/PTL to
>>> check the project
>>>>    > activities and criteria to move its status to 'Active'[2].
>>>>    >
>>>>    > The deadline to make it active is milestone 2 of this cycle (Jul 01
>>> - Jul 05:  R-13)
>>>>    > and after that TC will discuss about next step which can be
>>> retirement.
>>>>    >
>>>>    > [1]
>>> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html#current-inactive-projects
>>>>    > [2]
>>> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html#exit-criteria
>>>>    >
>>>>    > -gmann
>>>>    >
>>>>    >  ---- On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:39:55 -0700  Ghanshyam Mann  wrote ---
>>>>    >  > Hello everyone,
>>>>    >  >
>>>>    >  > As you might know, the Monasca project is not active and was
>>> marked 'inactive'
>>>>    >  > since 2024.1 cycle[1].  In this cycle also, this project is
>>> leaderless[2] and no maintainer
>>>>    >  > stepped up to maintain it. As discussed in the Leaderless project
>>> etherpad[2], the next
>>>>    >  > step is to retire the project.
>>>>    >  >
>>>>    >  > I'm sending this email to propose the Monasca retirement and
>>> based on the response,
>>>>    >  > I will proceed next.
>>>>    >  >
>>>>    >  > [1]
>>> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/emerging-technology-and-inactive-projects.html#current-inactive-projects
>>>>    >  > [2] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/2024.2-leaderless#L72
>>>>    >  >
>>>>    >  > -gmann
>>>>    >  >
>>>>    >
>> --
>> Thu.
