Very nice.. Thanks Martin From: Martin Kopec <> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 3:45 PM To: openstack-discuss Subject: [qa][tempest] Announcing scenario.manager stable interface [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Hi all, we would like to announce that tempest.scenario.manager has been declared stable in Tempest 27.0.0 and it's ready to be consumed by tempest plugins. All related patches were tracked under 'tempest-scenario-manager-stable' blueprint [1] and the whole effort was tracked in [2]. A little history: Some time ago, tempest/scenario/ []<;!!LpKI!yvBy_9rJty7A5Q4Jx-XvYelID-pDz15aMuNwcyeIW5JBIaR5-ZOIEWSnozXibUmYS7gj$> got copied to most of the plugins and therefore, it diverged - every plugin's copy had slight differences. In the latest release, we pushed changes to unify the manager's methods and improved their APIs in order to have them easier to consume. I would also like to thank Soniya Vyas for an exceptional job moving this effort forward. [1] []<;!!LpKI!yvBy_9rJty7A5Q4Jx-XvYelID-pDz15aMuNwcyeIW5JBIaR5-ZOIEWSnozXibXTSO3vm$> [2] []<;!!LpKI!yvBy_9rJty7A5Q4Jx-XvYelID-pDz15aMuNwcyeIW5JBIaR5-ZOIEWSnozXibTrw4IIT$> Regards, -- Martin Kopec