The TripleO CI team has just completed **Unified Sprint 32** (Aug 21 thru Sep 10). The following is a summary of completed work during this sprint cycle:
Created new container build w/ ubi-8 and overcloud image jobs for rhos-16.2.
Created new rhos-16.2 integration and component pipelines with standalone job, OVB jobs, and standalone scenario jobs.
Added more jobs to the component and integration pipelines, like scenario12.
Changed promoter tests to cover TCIB/Kolla builds and container naming differences across branches (openstack-* vs distro-binary-*).
Continued the necessary changes to switch to the new configuration engine in promoter code.
Continued making improvements to the Tempest scenario manager.
Started design of upstream jobs to run w/ a parent that builds all packages and containers and children jobs that consume these artifacts. This will avoid the use of an upstream container registry.
Merged upstream parent/child jobs for centos-8 jobs running against openstack/tripleo-ci.
We are limiting where this new type of upstream job design is running atm to ensure quality and consistency.
More information can be found
Initial design for the dependency pipeline design to early detect breakages in the OS.
Initial design for elastic-recheck service.
Ruck/Rover recorded notes [1].
The planned work for the next sprint extends the work started in the previous sprint and focuses on the following:
Continue adding jobs to RHOS 16.2 pipelines.
Apply new promoter configuration engine changes to consolidate all promoters into the same code.
Start a PoC implementation of the new dependency pipeline.
Start elastic-recheck containerization work.
Create upstream parent jobs to build containers for multiple jobs.
Continue the design and socialization of the openstack-tempest-skiplist project.
The Ruck and Rover for this sprint are Bhagyashri Shewale (bhagyashris) and Rafael Folco (rfolco). Please direct questions or queries to them regarding CI status or issues in #tripleo, ideally to whomever has the ‘|ruck’ suffix on their nick. Ruck/rover notes to be tracked in hackmd [2].