Hi Thomas,
Thanks for bringing up this interesting and important topic.
I agree with you suggestions, because IIUC policy.yaml is a generally preferred option,
and I personally prefer to use yaml instead of json because of its readability.
Unfortunately I've never touched packaging stuff, so I can't give any feedback from a packaging perspective
at the moment. I'll leave this for other teams like ubuntu packaging team or rdo packaging team.
However let me put some of my thoughts about the described details from a puppet perspective.
So, my proposal is the following: before the final release of OpenStack,
> I will modify all Debian OpenStack packages to generate (and package)
> both policy.json and policy.yaml. Then puppet-openstack can switch over
> to the .yaml file, and uncomment only the parts that the operator sees
> as relevant.
What I think is important from a puppet perspective is that we should handle transition correctly.
I mean, we should not use yaml format until the distro packaging actually provides a yaml file.
My current idea is to implement a parameter like nova::params::policy_format, which is (or whose default is)
decided based on os family and distro, so that we use the correct format according to transition status.
> I also would like to add a policy.d folder by default in each package,
> where operators can override stuff. Just having the folder will be a
> sign to operators that they are invited to write stuff in there, and
> that it will not be overwritten by a package upgrade.
This sounds like a really good idea.
It seems like oslo.policy doesn't care about the actual format of files under policy.d,
so if we only touch files there, I guess that we can start with a yaml file, without considering
the file format actually provided in distro packages.
Thank you,
Takashi Kajinami