
tl;dr Besides sending CI logs, does someone use Logstash on Opendev to push information to the new Elasticsearch (Opensearch) service?

Long version:

 I am currently looking into a new log workflow for OpenDev's OpenSearch that is using the logscraper tool [1], as an improvement over the current workflow [2].
I spotted a few bottlenecks that are complicating pushing logs to the new Elasticsearch service.
The most important bottlenecks are:
The new workflow would eliminate these bottlenecks by pushing data directly into Elasticsearch.
This would therefore drop the following services:
    - gearman client
    - gearman worker
    - logstash service

Before proceeding further, we need to know if these services, especially logstash, are (apart from sending logs from CI) not used anywhere, 
so that we don't accidentally pull the plug on any other workflows. If you are aware of these, please let me know.


[1] https://opendev.org/openstack/ci-log-processing
[2] https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/system-config/latest/logstash.html
[3] https://opendev.org/openstack/logstash-filters/src/branch/master/filters/openstack-filters.conf