Hi Allison, On 11/17/23 01:26, Allison Price wrote:
Hi everyone -
With regards to this planned deprecation, I would like to propose that we provide a heads up directly to operators who have indicated they are running either of these hypervisors within their OpenStack environment. This would also be something we could provide to OpenInfra Foundation members to ensure they are aware of upcoming changes in support.
I am happy to drive the delivery of this information as my hope is that it brings the operators more into a conversation they may not know is happening and encourage them to participate.
It's really nice if you can help us with reaching actual users and asking their feedback. That's the very core but very difficult part of driving discussions about feature removal. On the other hand, my intention is to move deprecation forward in anyway. These discussions are coming from the fact that these features have been unmaintained and have caused some pain in project maintenance over the years. Even if someone is interested in keeping these features, until they show their commitment and real activities, I'd be careful. # Very sad fact is that we faced similar situations in the past but some of the people # who offered help did not really provide actual help eventually. We can always revert deprecation if all concerns are solved.
In addition to this email thread, is there anywhere else this discussion is taking place so I can make sure I have the most up-to-date information? I am happy to join any project meetings on IRC to discuss if that makes things easier.
There have had discussions inside project (nova, glance and cinder) but I think this email is currently the only place where project-wide plan is being discussed. A few more updates I'm aware of are 1. I've sent out an email[1] to hear any concerns about deprecating VMWare volume drivers (assuming VMWare virt driver is removed) [1] https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... 2. Some discussions happened at #openstack-nova earlier this week and it seems SAP is using VMWare virt driver and might be interested in keeping the feature[2]. However, there has been no commitment or agreement yet. [2] https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23openstack-nova/%23openstack-nova.202... Thank you, Takashi
Thanks, Allison
On Nov 15, 2023, at 2:04 AM, Matthias Runge <mrunge@matthias-runge.de> wrote:
On 09/11/2023 13:44, smooney@redhat.com wrote:
On Thu, 2023-11-09 at 17:21 +0900, Takashi Kajinami wrote:
Hi all,
As you might know, some of the OpenStack projects currently support usage of VMWare component. However recently the VMware virt driver in nova was marked experimental in 2023.2 release [1] and it has been discussed that the driver will be removed in 2023.2 release[2], after deprecation is backported to 2023.1. ceilometer: VMWare virt driver (this was deprecated by [5])
(*1) Monasca is now inactive so I doubt anyone would work on this topic before it is retired.
[1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/863911 [2] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/897017 [3] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/893696 [4] https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.... [5] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ceilometer/+/894540 Hi
We can certainly work on removing the parts for vmware vsphere.
-- Matthias Runge <mrunge@matthias-runge.de>