Folks, I have deployed SRIOV compute but i found it deployed sriov-agent and openvswitch-agent together. If I am not mistaken then we don't need openvswitch agent on sriov computes nodes so how do i tell kolla to not deploy openvswitch-agent on sriov compute nodes? Here is the output on the compute node. root@kolla-comp-sriov-1-1:~# docker ps --filter name=agent CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 92af9870ee5b docker-reg:4000/kolla/neutron-sriov-agent:zed "dumb-init --single-…" 32 hours ago Up 31 hours (healthy) neutron_sriov_agent 14aea45e8b47 docker-reg:4000/kolla/neutron-openvswitch-agent:zed "dumb-init --single-…" 32 hours ago Up 3 seconds (health: starting) neutron_openvswitch_agent Configuration: (venv-kolla) root@kolla-infra-1-1:/var/lib/nova# cat /etc/kolla/config/neutron/kolla-comp-sriov-1-1/sriov_agent.ini [sriov_nic] physical_device_mappings = physnet1:eno50 (venv-kolla) root@kolla-infra-1-1:/var/lib/nova# cat /etc/kolla/config/neutron/kolla-comp-sriov-1-1/ml2_conf.ini [ml2] mechanism_drivers = sriovnicswitch [ml2_type_vlan] network_vlan_ranges = physnet1:30:50