Hi Zhengrui,

Do you have the full backtrace of the Exception?

I think you did the right thing by setting heartbeat_key in octavia.conf, but if you update this setting on the control plane, it needs to be propagated to the amphora instances.
To propagate it, you can run "openstack loadbalancer amphora configure <amphora_id>" for each amphora (you can get the list of amphorae with "openstack loadbalancer amphora list"), after a few seconds the amphora should send the heartbeat packets with the correct signature.


On Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 3:32 PM zhengrui20220 <zhengrui20220@163.com> wrote:
hello,i am zhengrui,I have a problem with octavia deployment, my lb can work normally, but 'openstack loadbalancer list' command shows lb's operating status is offline, and my health manager log show 'Exception: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode', then I add 'heartbeat_key = 20e8350e-950f-40fb-bb36-b9259e355523' in octavia.conf ,it shows

2023-12-19 10:38:59.701 1013848 WARNING octavia.amphorae.backends.health_daemon.status_message [-] calculated hmac(hex=True): 37623763633366666565616639383462373865343661616235616431623533363866306638336638653937656262333538303732346339656364623932623339 not equal to msg hmac: 61303433633739663136306366633465363234653535396663373230616636306134623036333339353363353736616339656133616538653961643762383763 dropping packet

Now, I have no idea about this problem.