
I just did an openstack upgrade, from Stein to Train, OS is Ubuntu 18.04. I followed the procedure but I got a warning as return code (1).

Everything works now but i'm affraid one day it will make an upgrade to fail:

# placement-status upgrade check
| Upgrade Check Results                                            |
| Check: Missing Root Provider IDs                                 |
| Result: Success                                                  |
| Details: None                                                    |
| Check: Incomplete Consumers                                      |
| Result: Warning                                                  |
| Details: There are -15753 incomplete consumers table records for |
|   existing allocations. Run the "placement-manage db             |
|   online_data_migrations" command.                               |

#echo $? => 1 =a t least one check encountered an issue and requires further investigation. This is considered a warning but the upgrade may be OK.

Then i tried "placement-manage db online_data_migrations" the command does nothing because negative records

Then "placement-manage db sync; echo $?" => 0

So what should I do about these -15753 incomplete consumeurs? Is it normal than nova_api sql backup keep growing?

Best regards,