Hi, all
Highlights from Openstack Ansible collection/modules PTG session[1]

In the last cycle we had 68 commits, 3 released versions, 5 new contributors, 14 solved issues.
The roadmap for next cycle:

All modules in Xena should convert SDK output to a dictionary to match last SDK changes.
CI tasks:
1. Automatic release jobs
2. Docs generation and publishing jobs - docs.openstack.org and readthedocs will be evaluated.
3. Gating jobs for projects starting to use the collections, like TripleO.

Bugtracker - to evaluate Launchpad for bugs and issues submission.
We continue to convert modules to use a standard OpenstackModule class.
Features coverage for Openstack Ansible modules would help us to see how good we cover the current functionality.
It would be useful to have roles in collection which will run specific and common tasks, which can be used by OPs easily. (Like Terraform "modules" concept)
For fetching Openstack SDK logs during the tasks execution we may have a specific role or/and OpenstackModule class modifications.
Ansible-test is used now for sanity testing only, we'll evaluate it for integration tests next cycle.

[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/xena-ptg-os-ansible-collections
Best regards
Sagi Shnaidman