My thought is actually the opposite -- right now those ideas are open, in storyboard, sitting there for absolutely nobody to read. We don't look in it anymore at all.

If we close them, and put a message on them encouraging movement over to the launchpad, my hope is that any of those issues you've found valuable, once you see it's closed, you may go reopen it with a link in launchpad.

Let's be clear though: the status quo is not okay. We have old bugs in both storyboard and launchpad. Bugs in our community, right now, are rarely used and are not providing value. By keeping the status quo, we are implying to our users we are thinking about those bugs -- when we aren't. I'd rather have a fresh start than persist the status quo.


On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 7:39 AM Arne Wiebalck <> wrote:

I used storyboard not only for bugs, but also to jot down some ideas for potential
Ironic features/improvements, sometimes even with initial thoughts on how to
implement them. Maybe others have done this as well and I wonder if we would
lose some of these ideas by just marking all open items as invalid.


From: Julia Kreger <>
Sent: Thursday, 29 June 2023 15:46
To: Jay Faulkner
Cc: OpenStack Discuss
Subject: Re: [ironic] Capping off storyboard migration

I'm semi-onboard with closing the items out. Surely we could determine some logic? Maybe, dunno.

No concern with the messaging.


On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 9:59 AM Jay Faulkner <<>> wrote:
Hey all,

I've written a small tool[1] which should (I think; I can't test it all the way until I'm ready to actually change a thing) iterate through stories in a storyboard project, and close any open tasks as invalid with a message.

I'd like to point this script at all the Ironic-related Storyboard projects, closing all the issues with a message like the following:

"Hello Ironic contributor, thank you for filing this bug! We have migrated to the Launchpad bugtracker, located at, If this bug remains valid, please open an issue in launchpad with the URL to this story for context."

Are folks onboard for having all the tasks closed as invalid in these Ironic-related projects? Any feedback on the messaging?

Jay Faulkner

P.S. For other projects who might want to use the tool as well, wait until I use it for Ironic to help me smooth out any rough edges and then have at it!
