Le mer. 9 juin 2021 à 10:05, Alfredo Moralejo Alonso <amoralej@redhat.com> a écrit :

On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 2:48 AM Dan Sneddon <dsneddon@redhat.com> wrote:
Thanks for making the announcement. Can you clarify how the feature-freeze dates will be communicated to the greater community of contributors?

Feature freeze doesn't exist in the independent model. The independent model isn't bound with the openstack series.
Usually the independent model is more suitable for stable projects, deliverables that are in use outside openstack or for deliverables that aren't related to openstack series (e.g openstack/pbr).

- Dan Sneddon

On Jun 8, 2021, at 8:21 AM, Wesley Hayutin <whayutin@redhat.com> wrote:

Greetings TripleO community!

At the most recent TripleO community meetings we have discussed formally changing the OpenStack release model for TripleO [1].  The previous released projects can be found here [2]. TripleO has previously released with release-type[‘trailing’, ‘cycle-with-intermediary’].

To quote the release model doc:

Trailing deliverables trail the release, so they cannot, by definition, be independent. They need to pick between cycle-with-rc or cycle-with-intermediary models.’

We are proposing to update the release-model to ‘independent’.  This would give the TripleO community more flexibility in when we choose to cut a release.  In turn this would mean less backporting, less upstream and 3rd party resources used by potentially some future releases.

How do you plan to manage the different versions of OSP without upstream branches?
Backports can be done by defining downstream branches for OSP, however, that will introduce a gymnastic to filter and select the changes to backport, the sealing between OSP versions will be more difficult to manage downstream. That leads us to the next question.

How to deal with RDO? If I'm right RDO is branch based (https://www.rdoproject.org/what/repos/), that will force some updates here too. That will also impact tools like packstack (https://www.rdoproject.org/install/packstack/).

What does this change mean in terms of branches and compatibility for OpenStack stable releases?.

The independent release model means no stable branches anymore for deliverables that follow this model (e.g openstack/pbr).
The deliverables that stick to this model aren't no longer coordinated by the openstack series (A, B, C..., Ussuri, Victoria, Wallaby, Xena, Y, Z).

However, we should notice that the independent model is different from branchless. Branches can be created by project owners, however, these branches won't be released by the release team, only the master branch will be released. So, maybe you could emulate the OSP versions upstream (some sort of stable branches) and then backport patches to them, however, you'll have to release them by yourself.


To quote the release model doc:

‘Some projects opt to completely bypass the 6-month cycle and release independently. For example, that is the case of projects that support the development infrastructure. The “independent” model describes such projects.’

The discussion here is to merely inform the greater community with regards to the proposal and conversations regarding the release model.  This thread is NOT meant to discuss previous releases or their supported status, merely changing the release model here [3]

[0] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items

[1]  https://releases.openstack.org/reference/release_models.html

[2] https://releases.openstack.org/teams/tripleo.html

[3] https://opendev.org/openstack/releases/src/branch/master/deliverables/xena

Hervé Beraud
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
irc: hberaud
