Hi, Shall I ask if you have checked this section of the readme: https://opendev.org/openstack/networking-l2gw/src/branch/master/README.rst#u... There you can find a quite good introduction how to set up ovsdb on linux, if you just try out networking-l2gw. Please next time use english in your mail to openstack-discuss. To tell the truth I have not translated it to Hungarian, though that is my native language :-) So my answer is more a guess how I can help you. Regards Lajos liuzhenjie@bonc.com.cn <liuzhenjie@bonc.com.cn> ezt írta (időpont: 2020. júl. 30., Cs, 17:53):
您好: 我现在想要使用l2gw这个服务。 但是,我得环境是通过kolla-ansible部署的,这个服务在neutron-server的容器里起来后,在执行创建资源时报错如下:
我得ovsdb server是一台安装了ovs的x86服务器。 l2gw服务起来后发现neutron-server和该x86服务器没有建立ovsdb的连接。
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