---- On Tue, 04 May 2021 16:21:43 -0500 Kanevsky, Arkady <Arkady.Kanevsky@dell.com> wrote ----
Comments inline
-----Original Message----- From: Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 1:25 PM To: Kanevsky, Arkady Cc: openstack-discuss Subject: Re: [TC][Interop] process change proposal for interoperability
---- On Mon, 03 May 2021 16:44:35 -0500 Kanevsky, Arkady <Arkady.Kanevsky@dell.com> wrote ---- > > Team, > Based on guidance from the Board of Directors, Interop WG is changing its process.
Please, review https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://review.opendev.org/c/osf/interop/*/78764... [review[.]opendev[.]org] > Guidelines will no longer need to be approved by the board. It is approved by “committee” consisting of representatives from Interop WG, refstack, TC and Foundation marketplace administrator.
Thanks, Arkady to push it on ML.
For members who are new to this discussion, please check this https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://review.opendev.org/c/osf/interop/*/78764... [review[.]opendev[.]org] Also about the new 'Joint Committee's proposal in https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://review.opendev.org/c/osf/interop/*/78462... [review[.]opendev[.]org]
With my TC hats on, I am not so clear about the new 'Joint Committee' proposal. As per the bylaws of the Foundation, section 4.1(b)(iii))[1], all the capabilities must be a subset of the OpenStack Technical Committee, which is what we have in the current process. All interop capabilities are discussed with the project teams (for which trademark program is) under OpenStack TC and QA (Tempest + Tempest plugins) provides the test coverage and maintenance of tests.
[ak] My view that Interop WG is still under board, as it is part of Marketplace and Logo trademark program. But guidelines doc no longer need to go thru board for approval. That is why new process is created. Thus, the purpose of new "approval committee" of all parties that impact and impacted by guidelines.
In the new process, making TC a decision making and co-ownership group in Interop WG is not very clear to me. InteropWG is a Board's working group and does not come under the OpenStack TC governance as such. Does the new process mean we are adding InteropWG under TC? or under the joint ownership of Board and TC?
What I see as InteropWG is, a group of people working on the trademark program and all technical help can be asked from the OpenInfra project (OpenStack) to draft the guidelines and test coverage/maintenance. But keep all the approval and decision-making authority to InteropWG or Board. This is how it is currently. Also, we can keep encouraging the community members to join this group to fill the required number of resources.
[ak] Board as it is now Open Infrastructure board, does not feel that it need to be involved on routing operation of Interop WG, including approval of new guidelines. Thus, the change in the process. Board wants to delegate its approval authority to us.
Yes, I agree that Board does not need to review the guidelines as such. But here InteropWG will continue to do those as a single ownership body and take help from OpenStack Project Team, OpenStack Technical Committee for any query or so instead of co-owning the guidelines. OpenStack TC can own the test coverage of those which is what we are doing currently but for smooth working, I feel guidelines ownership should be 100% to InteropWG. -gmann
[1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.openstack.org/legal/bylaws-of-the-op... [openstack[.]org]
Will be happy to discuss and provide more details. Looking for TC review and approval of the proposal before I present it to the board. Thanks,
Arkady Kanevsky, Ph.D. SP Chief Technologist & DE Dell Technologies office of CTO Dell Inc. One Dell Way, MS PS2-91 Round Rock, TX 78682, USA Phone: 512 7204955