Julia and Chris, Thanks for putting this together. Wanted to share some thoughts in-line below: On 1/4/2019 9:53 AM, Julia Kreger wrote:
As some of you may or may not have heard, recently the Technical Committee approved a technical vision document [1].
The goal of the technical vision document is to try to provide a reference point for cloud infrastructure software in an ideal universe. It is naturally recognized that not all items will apply to all projects.
The document is a really good high level view of what each OpenStack project should hopefully conform to. I think it would be good to get this into the Upstream Institute education in some way as I think it is something that new contributors should understand and keep in mind. It certainly would have helped me as a newbie to think about this. <snip>
We envision the results of the evaluation to be added to each project's primary contributor documentation tree (/doc/source/contributor/vision-reflection.rst) as a list of bullet points detailing areas where a project feels they need adjustment to better align with the technical vision, and if the project already has visibility into a path forward, that as well.
</snip> Good idea to have teams go through this. I will work on doing the above for Cinder. Jay