Thanx Dmitriy, I will give this method a try.


From: Dmitriy Rabotyagov <>
Sent: lundi, 18 octobre 2021 11:32
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Ansible] LXC containers apt upgrade



EXTERNAL MESSAGE - This email comes from outside ELCA companies.

- все




Sorry for the late reply.

I did upgrade that following way with ad-hoc command:

cd /opt/openstack-ansible; ansible -m package -a "name=ca-certificates state=latest update_cache=yes only_upgrade=yes" all


But eventually the correct way probably would be updating LXC image and re-creating containers. This is not really realistic scenario though.


04.10.2021, 16:11, "Taltavull Jean-Francois" <>:

Hi All,

Following the recent Let's Encrypt certificates expiration, I was wondering what was the best policy to apt upgrade the operating system used by LXC containers running on controller nodes.

Has anyone ever defined such a policy ?

Is there an OSA tool to do this ?




Kind Regards,

Dmitriy Rabotyagov