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On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 3:35 AM garcetto <garcetto@gmail.com> wrote:
good morning,
i am using manila and generic driver with dhss true, but cannot create snapshot from shares, any help? where can i look at?
(cinder backend is a linux nfs server)

thank you 

$ manila snapshot-create share-01 --name Snapshot1
ERROR: Snapshots cannot be created for share '2c8b1b3d-ef82-4372-94df-678539f0d843' since it does not have that capability. (HTTP 422) (Request-ID: req-cab23a46-37dc-4f2b-b26c-d6b21b7453ba)


Alvaro Soto 

Note: My work hours may not be your work hours. Please do not feel the need to respond during a time that is not convenient for you.
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