On Mar 21, 2019, at 5:41 AM, Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com> wrote:
Kendall Nelson <kennelson11@gmail.com> writes:
Hello Everyone,
In the attached picture or link [0] you will find the proposed schedule for the various tracks at the Denver PTG in April/May.
We did our best to avoid the key conflicts that the track leads (PTLs, SIG leads...) mentioned in their PTG survey responses, although there was no perfect solution that would avoid all conflicts especially when the event is three days long and we have over 40 teams meeting.
If there is a critical conflict that was missed, please let us know, but otherwise we are not planning to change this proposal.
You'll notice that:
- Like in Dublin and the last time we were in Denver, a number of tracks do not get pre-allocated time, and will be scheduled on the spot in available rooms at the time that makes the most sense for the participants.
- Every track will be able to book extra time and space in available extra rooms at the event via the PTGBot once its configured for the event. More details to come on that.
- Airship & OpenStack Helm will each have a day and a half (with the opportunity to book more time as they need) but we hadn't decided which will go first
And here are links to more information about the event[1], on registration[2] or booking a room at the event hotel[3] in case you haven't booked or registered yet :)
See you there! -Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)
[0] https://screenshotscdn.firefoxusercontent.com/images/8c880d0a-b41e-4cea-8ff7... [1]https://www.openstack.org/ptg [2]https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-infrastructure-summit-project-teams-gather... [3]https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/DENCC/G-FNTE
I don't see the new baremetal SIG on the schedule anywhere. Do we want to try to jump-start that group with some face-to-face time? Is that happening during the forum instead?
Yes, if we can fit it into the schedule. I requested time for Ironic/K8s work, but nothing for SIG work in general. I'm expecting a good bit of interest in the forum session I proposed from Airship, Mirantis, and Red Hat around MetalKube and Cluster-API so I'm not sure if I'd be able to repurpose that time. -Chris