Thank You for your reply. But the issue is resolved now.On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 2:24 PM Andriy Kurilin <> wrote:hi!Try to run Rally in debug mode like `rally --debug task start`. It should show the full error and tracebackчт, 27 июл. 2023 г. в 20:51, Aayushi Gautam <>:Hello,I am Aayushi , an intern with Redhat working on ESI ( Elastic secure Infracstructure) group. We were trying to use Rally to test the performance of our codebase. I have created a Plugin and task . And getting an error. The same bug is also asked on the bug page of Rally, but it was not answered.I have attached the code of the plugin and task and the error message.Looking forward to hearing from you.
--Best regards,
Andrey Kurilin.