Hello CloudKitters!

It was a great opportunity to be able to present this talk for you all guys. It was a pleasure to see that so many people are interested in CloudKitty, Ceilometer, and Gnocchi. I really hope that we can all collaborate together to keep improving CloudKitty, and other related systems.

Attached is the presentation we used during the presentation, so you all can consult this material. Also, as always, if you need some guidance, let us know.

Furthermore, as I mentioned in the presentation, I will provide a step-by-step process on how to create a new metric using Ceilometer Dynamic pollster that can collect/generate/derive (however you want to call it) IOPs information for volumes. The new metric name is going to be called "dynamic_pollster.volume.services.volume.iops". Also, the idea is that we collect some attributes, and we use the attribute called "bootable", which indicates if the volume is bootable or not. Then, if the volume is bootable, we will charge for its IOPS; otherwise, we do not charge it. As I mentioned, this is just a very simple use case. It is not targeting anyone's need in production, but it can be used to get you going quite easily with the pipeline.


With all systems up and running, you will need to do the following:
    - name: volume_iops_metric
      interval: 600
        - dynamic_pollster.volume.services.volume.iops
With Ceilometer and Gnocchi configured for the new metric, we can move on to CloudKitty.

That is all that one needs to execute to replicate the example I showed during the presentation. If you guys have any doubts or difficulties when using CloudKitty, do not hesitate to ping me.

Rafael Weingärtner