On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 11:52 AM Franck VEDEL <franck.vedel@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

yesterday I sent a desperate message about the functioning of my Openstack (kolla-ansible, yoga, centos8Stream).
The situation is incomprehensible. For some accounts in some projects, everything works (creation of networks, subnets, dhcp configuration, instances, everything works).
For other accounts, everything works except having an IP address per dhcp on a subnet.
The servers have restarted following a power outage.

I managed to put everything back together except those DHCP issues.

As I can start from an empty configuration, how to reset everything ...
for example with a command:
kolla-ansible -i multinode ____________

Or how to fix my configuration. It seems very complicated to me.
I would like some opinions if possible.
Thanks in advance


Are you asking how to completely zero out your entire cluster and rebuild it? That seems a bit drastic.

kolla-ansible destroy will nuke everything. Take a backup of /etc/kolla (or wherever your inventory / globals.yml / passwords/yml is) first. Older versions removed some things there when running destroy and I can't recall when / if that changed.

How many controllers do you have? 

Are you using OVS, OVN, or something else? 

Are you using L3-HA? DVR? 

Did all nodes have to be rebooted? If not, then which ones?

Have you confirmed there are no dead containers on any controllers? ( docker ps -a )

Have you looked in logs for ERROR messages? In particular: neutron-server.log, neutron-dhcp-agent.log, nova-api.log, and nova-compute.log ?

Strange things happen when time is out of sync. Verify all the nodes synced properly to an NTP server. Big symptom of this is 'openstack hypervisor list' will show hosts going up and down every few seconds.