Hi, As part of the recent infrastructure work described in http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/002026.h... we now have the ability to fairly easily support uploading of container images to the "openstack/" namespace on Docker Hub. The Infrastructure team does have an account on Docker Hub with ownership rights to this space. It is now fairly simple for us to allow any OpenStack project to upload to openstack/$short_name. As a (perhaps unlikely, but simple) example, Nova could upload images to "openstack/nova", including suffixed images, such as "openstack/nova-scheduler". The system that would enable this is described in this proposed change: https://review.openstack.org/632818 I believe it's within the TC's purview to decide whether this should happen, and if so, what policies should govern it (i.e., what projects are entitled to upload to openstack/). It's possible that the status quo where deployment projects upload to their own namespaces (e.g., loci/) while openstack/ remains empty is desirable. However, since we recently gained the technical ability to handle this, I thought it worth bringing up. Personally, I don't presently advocate one way or the other. -Jim