3 Apr
3 Apr
5:34 p.m.
On Wed, 2019-04-03 at 10:52 +0900, Trinh Nguyen wrote:
Dear TC,
As I am the new PTL for Telemetry in Train [1] and the current cores seem inactive, I would like to ask the TC team to grant myself < dangtrinhnt@gmail.com> and Lingxian Kong <anlin.kong@gmail.com> to the core team of these Telemetry managed projects:
+ ceilometer + aodh + panko
Next step for me is to re-organize core members and meetings.
Many thanks,
On behalf of the openstack-infra team I have added you to the corresponding groups in gerrit, you should be able to handle all further adjustments now by yourself. If you need further assistance, the easiest way will be to come visit us in the #openstack-infra IRC channel on Freenode. Jens