Hello Everyone! Development Focus ----------------- We are now past the Train-2 milestone, and entering the last development phase of the cycle. Teams should be focused on implementing planned work for the cycle. Now is a good time to review those plans and reprioritize anything if needed based on the what progress has been made and what looks realistic to complete in the next few weeks. General Information ------------------- The following cycle-with-intermediary deliverables have not done any intermediary release yet during this cycle. The cycle-with-rc release model is more suited for deliverables that plan to be released only once per cycle. As a result, we will be proposing to change the release model for the following deliverables: blazar-dashboard cloudkitty-dashboard ec2-api freezer-web-ui freezer heat-agents heat-dashboard ironic-ui karbor-dashboard karbor kuryr-kubernetes magnum-ui manila-ui masakari-dashboard monasca-agent monasca-api monasca-ceilometer monasca-events-api monasca-kibana-plugin monasca-log-api monasca-notification monasca-persister monasca-thresh monasca-transform monasca-ui murano-agent networking-baremetal networking-generic-switch networking-hyperv neutron-fwaas-dashboard neutron-vpnaas-dashboard requirements sahara-extra senlin-dashboard solum-dashboard tacker-horizon tricircle vitrage-dashboard vitrage watcher-dashboard PTLs and release liaisons for each of those deliverables can either +1 the release model change when we get them pushed, or propose an intermediary release for that deliverable. In absence of answer by the start of R-10 week we'll consider that the switch to cycle-with-rc is preferable. Upcoming Deadlines & Dates -------------------------- Non-client library freeze: September 05 (R-6 week) Client library freeze: September 12 (R-5 week) Train-3 milestone: September 12 (R-5 week) -Kendall (diablo_rojo) + the Release Management Team