
We had a discussion in the last cinder meeting regarding making EM branches EOL for the cinder project[1].
The discussion started because of the CVE fixes where we backported to active stable branches i.e. Yoga, Zed and 2023.1
but there were no backports to further EM stable branches like Xena, Wallaby ... all the way to Train.
Cinder team doesn't see much merit in keeping these EM stable branches alive since there is rarely any activity that requires
collaboration and if there is, it is usually by the core cinder team. Following are some of our reasons to EOL these branches:

1) We have less review bandwidth even for active stable branches (Yoga, Zed and 2023.1)
2) No one, apart from the project team, does backport of critical fixes implying that those branches aren't used much for collaboration
3) Will save gate resources for some periodic jobs and the patches proposed
4) Save project team's time to fix gate issues

We, as the cinder team, have decided to EOL all the existing EM branches that go from Train to Xena. It was agreed upon by the cinder
team and no objections were raised during the upstream cinder meeting.
We would like to gather more feedback outside of the cinder team regarding if this affects other projects, deployers, operators, vendors etc.
Please reply to this email with your concerns, if you have any, so we can discuss again and reconsider our decision. Else the week after the
summit we will be moving forward with our current decision.
If you will be at the Vancouver Summit, you can also give us feedback at the cinder Forum session at 11:40 am on Wednesday June 14.

[1] https://meetings.opendev.org/irclogs/%23openstack-meeting-alt/%23openstack-meeting-alt.2023-05-31.log.html#t2023-05-31T14:22:23

Rajat Dhasmana