Thank you. I will probably just wait a bit until the pinned version is available. I tried a couple of things but none of them worked. Zitat von Doug Szumski <>:
On 12/04/2024 14:26, Eugen Block wrote:
thanks for your response. You're welcome.
It looks like it uses ElasticSearch as the backend, and Kolla is substituting OpenSearch[1]. That will probably bring issues, since the APIs have diverged. Something to consider in your evaluation.
I'll keep that in mind.
For now, we will revert back to the 2.12.0 release of OpenSearch which should work fine. 2.13.0 was recently released. Kolla is not currently pinning OpenSearch which leads to these surprise breakages. There is a patch to change that here:
Is there any way to update my current deployement to use OpenSearch version 2.12.0? I'm not very familiar with kolla yet. Or should I just wait until the patch is merged and redeploy? There's nothing important in that deployment so I wouldn't mind.
Your options are something like:
1. Directly downgrade the OpenSearch package in the containers and then restart the containers. This is strictly for testing purposes.
2. Build your own Kolla OpenSearch image and deploy it (you can override the package install, see:, or pull in the patch above
3. Wait for the patch above to merge and use the new Docker image associated with that
I'm not sure if you will have issues with downgrading from 2.13.0 -> 2.12.0 yet. There is a (small?) chance that OpenSearch data created in 2.13.0 is not backwards compatible with 2.12.0. You could just clear the docker volume in that case (given that you don't care about the data).
Centralized logging in Kolla is well tested, widely used and generally stable.
Thanks for the reassurance! Eugen
Zitat von Doug Szumski <>:
I'm trying to find out how the "Venus" project could work. Unfortunately, there's not much to find yet. There's no installation guide as for other projects although it already exists since Zed release. I tried enabling it in my kolla all-in-one test deployment (2023.1), the api and manager container are running, but I have no idea how to get some data into or out of it. My conclusion is that it's not a mature project yet, could anyone comment on that? It looks like it uses ElasticSearch as the backend, and Kolla is substituting OpenSearch[1]. That will probably bring issues, since
On 11/04/2024 13:38, Eugen Block wrote: the APIs have diverged. Something to consider in your evaluation.
As an alternative, I enabled centralized logging in the same deployment as well, but unfortunately I can't use the dashboard because of [1]. So I don't really know what I can get out of opensearch in order to have a centralized logging. If possible, I would like to adapt that to a non-containerized openstack deployment. How can I change the opensearch version in my kolla deployment to be able to login and inspect what I got?
For now, we will revert back to the 2.12.0 release of OpenSearch which should work fine. 2.13.0 was recently released. Kolla is not currently pinning OpenSearch which leads to these surprise breakages. There is a patch to change that here:
Centralized logging in Kolla is well tested, widely used and generally stable.
Any pointers and comments are highly appreciated! Thanks! Eugen