Thanks Ildiko ! :)

On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 10:12 AM Ildiko Vancsa <> wrote:

Apologies, I’ve just got to this thread.

I don’t remember discussing this topic in details with the Edge group yet. ZTP came up as a desire, but we didn’t get to the point of going into details on what it means until now.

I think it would be great to capture the discussion on this thread as well as further aspects for consideration on the Edge Computing Group wiki and use it as a central place for StarlingX and relevant OpenStack projects such as Cyborg to benefit from as input for their work.

I added it to the agenda for the Edge group weekly call[1] for tomorrow to bring it up as a discussion point and can keep it there if we have people around interested in discussing it further.



> On 2018. Dec 21., at 6:25, Jay Pipes <> wrote:
> On 12/21/2018 01:40 AM, Zhipeng Huang wrote:
> From that article:
> "ZTP can be used internally connecting to an internal provisioning server, and it can be used externally connecting to an external provisioning server. Some commercial products use ZTP in connection with a vendor-controlled cloud-based provisioning server."
> Funny, that's almost exactly what I said in my original response on this thread :)
>> Shall we collect items of OCP/OpenStack components that could composite a ZTP stack somewhere ?
> Sure, just make sure we're being explicit about the things we're discussing. If you want to focus exclusively on *network device* provisioning, that's fine, but that should be explicitly stated.
> Network device provisioning is an important but ultimately tiny part of infrastructure provisioning. Unfortunately, most of the telco and network OEM community (understandably) only refer to network device provisioning when they talk about "ZTP".
> Also, the less this can be pidgeon-holed into the amorphous "edge" category, the better, IMHO ;)
> Best,
> -jay
>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 10:51 PM Curtis < <>> wrote:
>>    On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 9:35 AM Jay Pipes <
>>    <>> wrote:
>>        On 12/20/2018 09:33 AM, Curtis wrote:
>>         > No, it doesn't do inventory management. It's like a small
>>        base OS for
>>         > network switches, they come with it, boot up into it, and you
>>        can use it
>>         > to install other OSes. At least that's how it's used with the
>>        whitebox
>>         > switches I have. With ONIE it'd install the OS, then the
>>        initial OS
>>         > could register with some kind of inventory system.
>>        What about for non-network devices -- i.e. general compute
>>        hardware?
>>        After all, edge is more than just the network switches :)
>>    I'm not sure; that's a good question. I was just using it as an
>>    example of a piece of ZTP related technology that has been adopted
>>    by vendors who build physical devices and include them by default,
>>    though of course, only a subset of network switches. :)
>>    If ONIE was a good example, and it could not be used for general
>>    compute hardware, then perhaps something like it could be built
>>    using lessons learned by ONIE. I dunno. :)
>>    Thanks,
>>    Curits
>>        Best,
>>        -jay
>>    --     Blog: <>
>> --
>> Zhipeng (Howard) Huang
>> Principle Engineer
>> IT Standard & Patent/IT Product Line
>> Huawei Technologies Co,. Ltd
>> Email: <>
>> Office: Huawei Industrial Base, Longgang, Shenzhen

Zhipeng (Howard) Huang

Principle Engineer
IT Standard & Patent/IT Product Line
Huawei Technologies Co,. Ltd
Office: Huawei Industrial Base, Longgang, Shenzhen