Hello OpenStack lovers! First, let me wish you all the best for this upcoming year. All our Cis are currently broken and we recently lost the team responsible for maintaining it. Unfortunately, there is a very poor documentation, and I guess we must rebuild something. I'm currently looking at Software Factory but can't get my hands on a starting point. I have a system deployed but would appreciate if you can lead me to people who have configured Zuul and nodepool. Our previous system was based on Jenkins and devstack-gate as a side note. I'll document the whole process as a help for future users. Thank you. Jean-Pierre Roquesalane SW System Sr Principal Engineer - OpenStack Champion Dell Technologies | Security and Ecosystem Software Mobile +33 6 21 86 79 04<tel:1-613-314-8106> Email : jeanpierre.roquesalane@dell.com<mailto:jeanpierre.roquesalane@dell.com> [cid:image001.png@01DB62C5.98BB1B40] Dell SAS, Si?ge Social 1 rond point Benjamin Franklin 34000 Montpellier, France. Capital 1,946,545.26 Euros. RCS Montpellier 351 528 229 - APE 4651Z. TVA Intracommunautaire FR 20 351 528 229. SIRET 351 528 229 00088. Vat Numbers: FR 20351528229 (France) / IT00001709997 (Italy) / ESN0012622G (Spain) Internal Use - Confidential