On 2022-07-15 11:56:25 +0200 (+0200), Thomas Goirand wrote: [...]
Not only for the interpreter, if we could find a way to test things in Debian Unstable, always, as non-voting jobs, we would see the failures early. I'd love we he had such a non-voting job, that would also use the latest packages from PyPi, just so that we could at least know what will happen in a near future.
Your thoughts everyone?
My thought is that there is some irony in the timing of your question, since just yesterday[*] the OpenStack Technical Committee seems to have reached a consensus that CentOS is no longer a stable enough platform for pre-merge testing. Not necessarily anything to do with running OpenStack on it specifically, but just that generally it's the place where minimally-tested things go to see if there are any problems with them before they wind up in RHEL. That's a pretty close parallel to Debian's unstable/testing distributions as the place where problems get worked out before they get into the next stable release. Taking things from an OpenDev Collaboratory perspective, we've struggled to keep images for frequently-changing distros like Fedora, Gentoo, or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed working at all because things frequently change which break our ability to build or boot those images. More static distributions like Debian stable, Ubuntu LTS, or CentOS (before it became Stream), have a much less frequent update cycle and so are far easier for us to plan for and stay on top of. [*] https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tc/2022/tc.2022-07-14-15.00.log.html#l... -- Jeremy Stanley