On 01/25/2019 09:09 AM, Erik McCormick wrote:
On Fri, Jan 25, 2019, 8:58 AM Jay Bryant <jungleboyj@gmail.com <mailto:jungleboyj@gmail.com> wrote:
I got this question from someone else the other day and reached out to the Foundation for answers.
The response I got was that they had been providing this to support the community in the past but no longer felt it was necessary as other companies in the community had started their own offerings. So, they were choosing to remove their COA exam given that there were now good alternatives available.
That's sad. I really appreciated having a non-vendory, ubiased, community-driven option.
If a vendor folds or moves on from Openstack, your certification becomes worthless. Presumably, so long as there is Openstack, there will be the foundation at its core. I hope they might reconsider.
+100 -jay