Hi Michel,

I found my old post again:

* https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-February/032149.html

I think you need to create a local registry where you pull all the docker images upfront, since magnum tried to pull the csi snapshotter image from a wrong source. Also your k8s cluster might need containerd.

For the local registry you can check my other blogposts:

* https://www.roksblog.de/openstack-magnum-insecure-registry/

Hope this helps. Unfortunately I don’t have a yoga cluster up and running at the moment to test it.

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Am 15.03.2024 um 18:38 schrieb Oliver Weinmann <oliver.weinmann@me.com>:

Hi Michel,

Sorry just read my post again. I never managed to fix 1.23 under yoga. I remember asking the same question to the mailing list back then and the solutions provided didn’t work.

I think you need to change a lot more tags than just snapshotter.

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Am 15.03.2024 um 18:32 schrieb Oliver Weinmann <oliver.weinmann@me.com>:

Hi Michel,

It’s been quite some time but as far as I can remember I only changed the snapshotter tag.

What FedoraCoreOs version and k8s are you using?


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Am 15.03.2024 um 18:05 schrieb Michel Jouvin <michel.jouvin@ijclab.in2p3.fr>:

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for your excellent post! You described very well everything that need to be done... and all the steps I went through... But I have not seen how you fixed the CSI problem. Is it enough to define the csi_snapshotter_tag? I tried this this morning but was not able to find the version I was supposed to use.

BTW, I see that you are using flannel as the network driver. I'm using calico, not sure it makes any difference for this problem anyway.



Le 15/03/2024 à 17:09, Oliver Weinmann a écrit :
Hi Michel,

Maybe my old blogpost can help you:

Best regards,

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 15.03.2024 um 16:04 schrieb Michel Jouvin <michel.jouvin@ijclab.in2p3.fr>:


We recently upgraded our cluster to Yoga and since then we cannot successfully start pods in clusters using K8s 1.23 that require a volume. The volume is properly created but attachment fails because it is trying to use v1beta1.CSINode and v1beta1.VolumeAttachment that no longer exists. I found a reference to this in https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/issues/1845 but the way to fix it is unclear. I tried to use last version of CSI-related stuff from registry.k8s.io (playing with labels and source), but I then got another problem which may be related (it is my guess) to the fact that I'm using too recent versions.

Is somebody using sucessfully Magnum Yoga/K8bs 1.23 combination sucessfully and what is the trick to do it?

Thanks in advance for any help. Best regards,
