(just shamelessly stealing the idea from Neutron's team)

Hey foks,
Yesterday was a packed day but we didn't really progressed on a lot of topics. Today I'm gonna propose a list of topics in order to improve our sessions's visibility and in order to provide some timeboxing.

13:00 UTC - 14:45 UTC :
* How to make sure people can help to review ?
* Should we ask for some implementation before accepting a spec ?
* CI stability is a nightmare, let's fight over this
* Bobcat is a non-SLURP release
* Let's clean up our upgrade documentation
* Nova community outreach
* Clean-up our bug list by abandoning very old LP bug reports ?
* Summit/PTG : what could we be doing for the physical PTG ? (Will be 4 weeks before milestone-2)

15:00 UTC - 15:45 UTC :
* Nova/Manila cross-project session : Prevent share deletion while it's attached to an instance

16:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC :
* When your instance is stuck due to hard affinity policies, what could we do ?
* Users reported exhaustion of primary keys ('id') in some large tables like system_metadata. How could we achieve a data migration from sa.Integer to sa.BigInteger ?

Details can be found in https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bobcat-ptg#L192
I assume the packed agenda, particularly the first two hours. As a reminder, people are welcome to add their IRC nicks in each of the courtesy ping list of the related topic.

Hope this gives you a taste of joining the Nova PTG today.
